According to the TCM Body Clock, there are 12 important organs in our body, which will be at their peak functioning for two hours a day. Normal health or disease of any person is dependent on this factor. To lead a healthy life, it is important for all Constitution types to keep in mind the Body Clock:
3-5 AM: Lungs. Best ozone content in the air. Good time for waking up, pranayama & meditation
5-7 AM: Large Intestines. Easy bowel movement
7-9 AM: Stomach. Breakfast time
9-11 AM: Spleen. No food or drink
11AM -1PM: Heart. No hard work or sleep. High alert for heart attacks
1-3 PM: Small Intestines. Lunch & short rest
3-5 PM: Urinary Bladder. Good time to have tea, coffee, juice etc.
5-7 PM: Kidneys. Relax from routine.
7-9 PM: Heart Wall. Supper to be finished otherwise could suffer from chest pain or palpitation
9-11 PM: Thyroid. Must sleep to recharge this vital organ.
11PM – 1 AM Gallbladder. As above, otherwise no energy the next day.
1-3 AM: Liver. Time for deep sleep otherwise risk of eye-sight problems and body irritation.
Most of today’s diseases are lifestyle related because we have forgotten to live by the rules of nature. The human body, like the universe, is also made up of the five basic elements, space, air, fire, water and earth called Panchamahabhutas. Nature has a perfect rhythm so has our body, but we mess it all up through carelessness. When we don’t keep to our appropriate routine, our body suffers.
One of the common causes of all diseases is a prajnaparadha i.e., when we know something is not good for us, but we still do it. This is sin against wisdom. The underlying cause of prajnapradha is allowing the mind to be ruled by the senses. Please remember, without disciplining the mind and increasing the sattva guna in our personality, it is not possible to take proper care of our health.