If you suffer from indigestion related problems like gas, acidity, heartburn or any respiratory problems like bronchitis or asthma or even migraine, then kunjal could prove to be a great panacea.
It not only tones and stimulates all the abdominal organs by inducing strong muscular contractions in the stomach walls but also removes excessive mucous from the body which clogs up the respiratory channels. If kunjal is performed in the prodromal stage of migraine or asthma, it could ward off the attack altogether.
Technique: Prepare 2 litres of warm water adding 2 teaspoons of rock salt. Stand near the toilet or in an open space. Drink at least 6 glasses of the prepared saline water as quickly as possible until it feels that you are full up to the throat. In this state the urge to vomit will occur automatically. Lean forward and place the first two fingers of the right hand as far back on the tongue as possible. Gently rub and press the back of the tongue. This would induce the water to gush out from the stomach. When the flow of water ceases, repeat the same process. Continue this way until no more water comes out.
Best Time: It should be done early in the morning before breakfast. But if it is very cold or overcast, then wait until the day has warmed up but no food should be taken before the practice.
Contra-indications: Kunjal should not be performed by people suffering from hernia, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, peptic ulcers or diabetics with eye problems.
Note: It is best to do it under supervision for the first time. The biggest obstacle to kunjal is the mental block which people have towards the idea of vomiting.